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Another teenager faces evil! – a review of the book “Gobelin. Defender of the Rowan “

If you’ve heard about Henry H. Jeff’s series before, you may have heard about the inevitable similarity between the title character, JK Rowling, and Max McDaniels, the protagonist of the novel. Whatever the case, there is a grain of truth in every message, but don’t be afraid to read The Tapestry. Defenders of the Rowan aside from possible inspirations.

Fake? Not necessarily

Mamania Publishing House began in 2018 with a fantasy-adventure series by Henry H. Neff, a popular American novelist and illustrator. The Rowan Academy, created by the creator, is a place that will surely capture the reader’s imagination – there is magic, there are legends and incredible twists. There is one but . The world created by Neff is deceptively reminiscent of the Harry Potter universe (but it also brings to mind the adventures of Percy Jackson – Percy Jackson and the Olympic gods , Rick Riordan or Fairy TaleBrandon Mull) and we must defend ourselves against these associations. Searching for similarities and differences can be inspiring fun, but it takes away a lot of fun from the reader in experiencing literature. It cannot be denied that Neff’s style is unique, so its content should be treated anyway.

The fable of the race

Who would have thought that a Celtic tapestry in a museum would change the life of teenage Max McDaniels in an instant. The consequence of discovering extraordinary skills is doubt. These, however, are quickly dispelled by people with varying relationships with the Rowan Academy. In a prestigious school, the protagonist gets to know other chosen ones and undergoes intensive training with them. Unfortunately, he also quickly realizes that he will soon have to face an unequal fight against evil. When reading, it is worth remembering that this is a story about a teenager who will mature in front of the readers. In the tapestry. Rowan AcademySo we have a thread of friendship, innocent infatuation, school routine, all with a fabulous world: magical puzzles, adventures and dangers. Nevertheless, I would suggest looking at Max, the main character of the novel, individually and not compare him to Potter, Jackson or other magical boys. Then the story will intrigue you.

Everyone will find something for himself

The beginning of the story can be seen as banal. The boy’s magical abilities are unnoticed when he visits the museum. Nevertheless, fans of fantasy stories will surely like the ending! The best information, however, is that once you’ve read the first volume, you can order the next ones right away! I really like the world created by Henry H. Neff. The creativity of the creator allows us to have fun at school, admire unusual creatures or learn various magical skills, so far unknown in pop culture. So Neff’s vision is unique in its own way, not repeatable! However, I have to mention one drawback. It’s about the pace of the action, real turtles. Instead, we get colorful descriptions of situations, places and detailed characteristics of the heroes (even the concept from zero to hero was used !). As readers, we can only hope that in the coming volumes the development of events will be more dynamic.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Tapestry. Protector of the Rowan is not the most popular fantasy series, but it certainly has a chance to become one of the finalists!

Characters: 8/10
STYLE: 7/10
STORY: 6/10
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