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And StarFest will take place in October!

StarFest is a three-day event during which approximately 400 events related to fantasy and pop culture will take place.

The Fantastic Festival of Imagination StarFest is an interdisciplinary festival dedicated to culture inspired by broadly understood fantasy. It will take place on October 20-22 this year, and the location is: Targi Lublin, ul. Dworcowa 11, 20-406 Lublin.

In recent years, fantasy has become one of the most important parts of culture, offering works aimed at both a wide audience and enthusiasts and the most demanding recipients. Pop culture, manifested in books looking into modern apartments and houses, in long-awaited premieres of films and comics, in exciting games and series passionately watched on streaming platforms, has become an important part of the lives of subsequent generations. Fantastic culture fuels imagination and provides an intergenerational platform where everyone can find something for themselves.

This is what StarFest is: captivating with its diversity, tempting with charm and attractiveness, walking towards the stars. Relax and have fun with us at the great festival in Lublin!

You will find kindred spirits among lovers of books, comics, TV series, films and games, you will have a great time and you will remember the moments spent here for a long time. While wandering between the attractions, you will be fascinated by the colors of the space, the abundance of beautiful costumes and the stars who came down to earth to honor StarFest 2023 with their presence.

StarFest is a three-day event during which approximately 400 events related to broadly understood fantasy and pop culture will take place, including:

Go ahead and open the stargate and experience the positive vibes. Live long and prosper, and may the Force be with you.

More information can be found here . We also invite you to FB and the event . Tickets can be purchased here . The event program will appear soon.

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