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And in July it will be happening in Rawicz!

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We invite you to RawiKon – Rawickie Dni Fantasy, a nationwide fantasy convention, where there will be a lot going on and… a little more


RawiKon will take place on July 1 and 2 in the new Multilibrary in Rawicz (in the place of the old gymnasium) at ul. Szare Szeregi 3. It is planned:

Lectures and meetings with authors
Board games
RPG sessions
Retro consoles
Tournaments and competitions with prizes
Outdoor zone
Animators for children
Live music Outdoor
Cosplay competition

All this and much more coming soon at RawiKon 2023! FREE ENTRANCE. And if you want to learn more, be sure to visit several places:  Facebook,  FB event, FB group,  Instagram,  Discord.


1. Zone of outdoor attractions “ARENA” (only on Saturday):

– Music: AZDAJA – early music band (also on Sunday)

– Piotr Zawieja – carpenter

– Leszy

– The Willow Group from Krotoszyn

– School of saber fighting with the cross technique

– Brotherhood of Raven Warriors

2. Games Room

3. Board and Console Tournaments and Quizzes:

– Computer games quiz (K.Wójcik)

– Film and series quiz (K.Wójcik)

– Smash Bros. GameCube Tournament

Minions of the Cowshed (MUDUKO)

Swarm (G3)

MindBug (Portal Games)

Dominion (IUVI GAMES)

Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game (REBEL)

Sobek (Hobby)

DualRealms (MITRYS)

Karak (ALBI) (cat. 7-12 years)

Star Realms (IUVI GAMES)

4. Retro Console Zone

5. RPG sessions (including The One Ring – Black Monk Games publishing house)

6. DIY Zone “Majsternia”

7. Children’s zone

8. Exhibitors Zone

9. Food Zone


01.07.2023 from 11:00 to 20:00

1. Lectures / meetings with authors:

-Let’s Burn It (Introduction to RPG Games)

-Kamil Wójcik (lecture – series in the world of Star Wars )

-Universal Shop (lecture – cosplay, i.e. where to start)

-Jakub Olekszyk, Archon Studio (Reimplementation of computer games on the board on the example of Heroes III and Wolfenstein )

-Gabriela Bortacka, Association “Trickster” (lecture – “Is poison a woman’s weapon?”)

-GambitTV (lecture – board games)

-Paweł Kopijer (lecture/meeting)

-Glorf Workshop, Lorien’s Cosplay (cosplay discussion panel)

-Creators and actors of the film Half a Century of Poetry Later (author’s meeting)

– Viking ornaments (lecture – “Scary Vikings, life, fight, customs – facts and myths”)

-Łukasz Orbitowski (author’s meeting)

– Lukasz Wlodarczyk; board game designer (Player Experience: Expectations vs Reality in Game Design)

-Mariusz Wojteczek (discussion panel – elements of horror in fantasy)

-After-Game-We (lecture – board games)

-Natalia Kościńska, Slavs (lecture – Slavs)

2. Workshop area:

– Pamper – Wojciech Wiśniewski (Designing board games)

– Lubin Fantasy Club “The Last Alliance” (workshops on painting figurines)

3. 20:30 Concert GIRL (concert shell of the House of Culture)

4. 22:30 Summer Cinema: the film Half a Century of Poetry Later (Courtyard of Culture of the Library)


02.07.2023 from 11:00 to 17:00

1. Lectures / meetings with authors:

-Black Monk Games (lecture – RPG)

-Karolina Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz (lecture – “And now to put it all together – about the comprehensive design of a fantasy book”)

-GOTRI (lecture – Tolkien)

-Artur Tojza (creating universes and combining them into a coherent multiverse)

-Body from Space (lecture)

-A.Tojza, K.Żuk-Wieczorkiewicz (independent publishing of books, work on editing, proofreading and independent promotion – discussion panel)

– Martyna Rokaszewicz, Association “Trickster” (Retalling of European fairy tales)

-Sylwia Błach (author’s meeting/lecture)

-GF Darwin (author’s meeting)

– Bui Film film crew (meeting) + film screening: Lord of the Forests + Perun

-Michał Gołkowski (author’s meeting)

2. Workshop area:

– Patrycja Radoń, PsychGames (“Do games need a psychologist – how to develop the imagination of the young generation”)

– Grafnastyk – Artur Hejna (Designing your own comic book)

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