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Alone Against Everyone – Review of the book “Mass Effect Andromeda: Initiation”

Although the last game in the Mass Effect series was not a commercial success, EA decided to release several novels and comics to expand its plot. How is Initiation by NK Jemisin and Mac Walters accomplished in this task ?

Something for everyone

Before discussing a book properly, it is worth considering to whom it is properly addressed. This is a prequel to the events of Mass Effect Andromeda . Naturally, therefore, those who defeated this title will benefit the most from reading. However, frankly speaking, the novel does not explore the universe deeply enough for readers who are not familiar with any title in this series to understand it. In spite of initial fears, it is not even necessary to read the previous book in the prequel series – Mass Effect Andromeda: Nexus Beginning . The story presented in Initiationit takes place even earlier and is not directly related to this item. You can say that it looks really interesting …


 Almost like in the game

Initially, the course of the book Mass Effect evokes clear associations with the source material. It starts with assembling a classic, multi-class and interracial RPG team. So there are heroes focused strictly on the use of weapons, techniques familiar with computers and, above all, biotics who use powers based on the title mass effect. It is this group that Cora Harper belongs to – the team leader and the main character of the novel. After leaving the service, the former commando of the Systems Alliance forces is offered a job in the Andromeda Initiative planning to send a human expedition to a neighboring galaxy to colonize it.

However, the success of the Initiative is called into question when key data is stolen. This is where the mercenary crew comes in. A seemingly simple heist naturally goes well until there is a proper starting point for the plot. From that moment on, Cora has to deal with herself, thrown into an increasingly intricate and, more importantly, reader-engrossing plot.


 Me and my WI

Although, in fact, it is not entirely alone, because from the very beginning she is accompanied by a nice virtual intelligence known as SAM-E. Most of the dialogue in the novel takes place between Cora and her invisible companion. And I must admit that the developing relationship is followed all the time with a smile on your face. Even if it is based largely on the classic theme of a different perception of the world around them, it is conducted very lightly and interestingly. Especially that at a later stage it gives a medium for moving transhumanist threads, which is what I value especially in SF. Well, there’s something bewitching about imagining the next stages of evolution.

The greatest flaw of Initiation , which is cruel schematicity, hurts all the more . Reading may be really enjoyable, but as soon as you put the book back on the shelf, you will realize that there is absolutely nothing here that could surprise or evoke greater emotions even in a reader with a short experience. I have a particular problem with the ending – equally eager to use clichés and extremely cloying. What’s more, at the end something happens that, according to the authors’ vision, was probably supposed to arouse strong feelings and thus increase the satisfaction with the finale. However, this element comes so hastily and without much thought that it seems to be clearly pushed in by force.


I solve problems by pulling the trigger

However, do not let the threads regarding artificial intelligence deceive anyone. Mass Effect Andromeda: Initiation has no intention of getting the reader to strain the gray cells. The action rushes at breakneck speed from the very first pages, serving very nice descriptions of dynamic sequences. I was particularly impressed by the passages about Cora’s use of “power”. Something in the game that comes down to pressing a button and a nondescript animation is presented here in a rich enough way for the reader to get a better feel for the heroine’s situation. All these scenes are properly intertwined with a really interesting plot.

Unfortunately, the simple structure of the novel is at the same time a source of its advantages and disadvantages. It is not fulfilling a quite important task in my opinion, which is expanding the universe. We get a story, contrary to appearances, that does not translate too much into what is happening in the “big” Andromeda . In fact, the most important element is explaining where Cory’s initial dislike of Alec Ryder and his children (the heroes of the game) came from. On the other hand, we got a light and casual position that should appeal to everyone who likes the style of space operas.

Finally, I would like to mention the Polish distribution. Insignis has released a decent release on the market. On technical issues, we get a paperback book with a capacity of 304 pages. The font used inside gives the impression of being very legible and pleasing to the eye. The publisher did not go to the other extreme, which is to deliberately increase the size of the text to make the book artificially bold. The tab with the cover art and media patrons is a nice addition. In turn, while reading, I did not notice any glaring mistakes. What’s more, all appearing proper names were translated in the same way as in the games, naturally having a positive effect on lore consistency. All in all, I can only stick to the cover. It uses the image of Cora in a relatively low resolution, which leaves a little to be desired. I know,

Nasza ocena: 6/10

Mass Effect Andromeda: Initiation is a solid dose of action-packed SF. Regardless of the level of brand awareness, it should appeal to readers looking for a simple story to pass the time, for example, on the road

Characters: 6.5/10
STYLE: 7/10
STORY: 6/10
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