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A threat to the galaxy – “Nexus” book review

Nexus is the second and final part of the Androm cycle by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings. How does it compare with the first volume?


Mind control

The famous Bloody Baroness, Androma Racella, has lost her ship, her faithful crew has been captured, and most of the Mirabel Galaxy is ruled by the ruthless Queen of Nor. All because of the toxin, thanks to which he is able to control the minds. Androma and Dex must find a cure before it’s too late. Fortunately, not everyone got infected. On the planet of Solera, the heroine finds Arachnid, the leader of the resistance fighting against the Queen of the Burrows. Together, they may still have a chance to retrieve the Blood Baroness’s crew and save the galaxy.

Lots of entertainment

When I started reading the sequel to Zenith, I counted on entertaining and quick reading. My expectations were met as much as possible. The authors have built an expansive and inventive world that I would love to visit if there was such a possibility. I am glad that thanks to the words on the pages of this novel, I was able to be there for a while. It was wonderful to see the Androma-Dex duo in action again. We observe the events from the perspective of various heroes, which causes some problems with involvement in the threads of the story. In the first part we also had chapters showing events from the eyes of other characters, but it was clearly felt that Androma was playing the first fiddle. In the Nexusit’s split more or less evenly, and it felt as if someone was distracting me from a story I cared about. Fortunately, all the questions and understatements that have emerged after reading Zenith can be answered, and the ending of the saga is satisfying.


Nexus is a good ending to the Androma series , which made me a lot of fun while reading. It is not heavy science fiction and the pages are turning at high speed. Both the heroes and antagonists are well-written, and the world presented, despite the fact that it does not shock with its size, is built with an idea. Although this is the last volume in the series, I would love to read more, especially about the adventures of Androma and Dex.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Nexus is a good and thoughtful end to the cycle. I hope to be able to return to this world in the future.

Characters: 9/10
STYLE: 7/10
STORY: 7/10
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