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A surprisingly addictive story – a review of the manga “Demon Killer Sword” vol. 1-2

It’s hard to clearly judge the Demon Killer Sword . This manga combines some poor but also very good solutions. Most of all, however, the title enjoys considerable popularity both in Japan and beyond.

Simple yet addictive storyline

Simply put, the manga is a story about a young Tanjiro Kamado who returns home one day to find out that his mother and siblings have been murdered. Only the badly injured sister Nezuko survived. It quickly turns out that the culprit of all the confusion is a demon, and the only surviving member of the main character’s family turns into such a creature. As can easily be predicted, the protagonist will take the path of a demon slayer while trying to help his sister return to human form.

In fact, the story is neither complicated nor revealing, nor even surprising at this stage. Nevertheless, it has something that can catch the reader. So it’s a pleasure to follow Tanjiro’s fate. We know that as the main character he has to overcome adversities, but somehow we are still worried about whether he will cope. It is difficult to grasp what attracts so much about the Demon Killer Sword , but there is undoubtedly something in the manga.


Heroes we know little about

The main character is the most refined character at this stage, but even about him we learn incredibly little. He is certainly characterized by kindness, love for the family, willingness to sacrifice, strength and … an exceptionally sensitive sense of smell. However, it is really not much. In the first two volumes of the story, we do not observe the protagonist’s significant psychological development, the changes taking place are rather minor, and the only motivation seems to be to restore her sister’s human form – and, in a way, revenge.

The other heroes are presented quite schematically. This is not a big objection at the beginning of the story – especially as there are motives that suggest that at least some of the plots will be developed later. At present, however, it is difficult to judge whether the author will refine them enough to make them stand out properly.

Improving line

With Sword killer demons met first in the depths of the Internet. The drawings looked really nice and the line encouraged me to read. To my surprise, the beginning of the first volume looked worse than I expected. Luckily things get better later on, but it’s not overwhelmingly delightful. On the other hand, the selected drawings look very good – the title pages of chapters or even sketches placed as part of the mini-supplement. I hope that in the next volumes the line will improve and the more detailed drawings will please the eye.

From the release side, the manga looks quite standard. A small format, a colorful dust jacket, with a less bright cover underneath. The drawings hidden under the outer frame do not match those shown on it.

I want to read!

While the manga is not without its flaws, it reads really well. So let’s give her a chance and get acquainted with the beginning of Tanjiro’s adventures. Perhaps – even despite the imperfections – we will like it. There is also hope that in the next volumes the author corrected the mistakes, keeping the mood and atmosphere that make you want to read this comic.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

The beginning of the Demon Slayer Sword is engaging reading. Despite the simple plot and not very polished characters, this title is a pleasure to read.

Characters: 5/10
STORY: 6/10
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