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A new game set in the world of “Everdell” has been announced

Starling Games continues to expand the world  of Everdell . A new standalone game has been announced – Farshore . The eternal sea is calling!


This week Starling Games announced Farshore – a new standalone game set in the world of Everdell . The game takes place in Sea of ​​Eternity – in the country of Farshore. It seems to be based on the same basic mechanics as previous Everdell games , with players building a city over three seasons, harvesting resources and using them to recruit citizens and new buildings. Early reviews of the game noted that Farshore is mechanically very similar to Everdell, although the latest installment eliminates the parry mechanic that allowed you to play a construct or a citizen for free if you had a “pair” of it in hand. Several other enhancements to the Everdell system have been added to this .

Everdell is a popular city building/resource management game. First released in 2018. Players assign workers to locations to gather resources, with the caveat that some locations had limited worker slots. Players earned victory points for building certain structures or recruiting certain citizens. They scored bonus points if they had the right combination of buildings and residents in their city to collect certain bonus buildings. The game has seen many expansions over the past four years. Everdell: The Complete Collection is due out in Fall 2023.

You can find the full description of Farshore below:

The eternal sea calls… The rugged coast north of the Everdell Valley is a land of adventure and mystery. Brave sailors search for rich islands and precious treasures. Obedient monks dwell in abbeys and scriptoria, meticulously translating and enlightening. Hard-working people collect resources and build their cities according to the ever-changing waves of the mighty ocean.

Welcome to the new standalone game in the world of Everdell.

It’s Farshore country . Each season, you will lead a crew of workers as they build a bustling city and discover an enchanting ocean. You must carefully plan your actions to build and sail, for only adapting to the winds of change will succeed. Strong wind. The sun crosses the horizon. It’s time to embark on an adventurous journey!

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