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A mischievous little girl and a very ambitious daughter of Coyote – a review of the book “Touch of Fire”

Mercy is known to stick her neck out for her loved ones without thinking. This time, however, he exceeds all boundaries with his behavior, because he declares that he will protect everyone in the territory of his pack. Will such a promise turn against her?

Mercy, during the fight with the troll, was primarily to serve as a support, someone to transfer information between the involved people and the wolves (after all, werewolves find it difficult to communicate in animal form). However, the dangerous operation ended with the woman’s message (delivered in a dignified manner, with a magic staff in hand), informing that the pack would defend those who applied for protection. The first to fall under the wings of the werewolves and Kojocica was the semi-ancient Aiden, a mysterious boy who had been kept in Podgórze for many years and endowed with a great power of fire. Of course, the Ancients were not pleased with this turn of events, because they had argued among themselves before, and everyone wanted to use Aiden to force their own position. As standard, a dose of chaos straight from Kojota’s daughter mixed up her plans a lot.

Since when are the packs all wolves?

The ninth volume of the series on Mercedes Thompson (Hauptman) focuses primarily on the relationship with the Ancients. We learn more about the Gray Lords and the famous Podgórze, which can take physical form when it wants to. The pack is once again drawn into intrigues, and within them, several people simultaneously pull the strings, guided by hidden motives. We meet Aiden, the Touched by Fire, a man, imprisoned (with time it turns out that not only he shared such a fate) in Podgórze so long that he left it with the power to control the fire. Podgórze herself, as one of the interested parties, also wants to regain her boyfriend in the described conflict, so Mercy’s declaration in this book does not like it.

Intrigues, plays and ubiquitous politics

This time, the story is driven mainly by political games. One group of nonhumans is trying to restore their domination over the world, the other one, in turn, is trying to reach an understanding with people, and in all of this, of course, there is a pack and wanting to save everyone’s daughter Coyote. Several previously met characters (including my favorite Baba Yaga) reappear, and the events are relatively slow compared to previous volumes. Of course, Mercy and Adam once again show how strong their relationship is and prove that nothing can harm them. Alpha also makes one important decision that affects how the rest of the crew start treating his wife. The relationship between Kojocica and the werewolf is not one of the main themes of Touch of Fire, however,so fans of the romance part may be a bit disappointed.

It certainly touches, but does it warm you up?

Accustomed to faster action, I must admit that this volume bored me a bit. While reading it, I got the impression that the described events do not contribute much to Mercy’s entire life and the functioning of the pack. However, I really liked the humorous inserts (such as the thread with oils to reduce Adam’s lurid tendencies) and I was intrigued by the figure of the new werewolf. Mercy herself also did not disappoint and consistently brought chaos with her (after all) quite reasonable decisions. I suspect that only people like me, who like the Patricia Briggs series, will reach for the ninth volume; I can calmly say that for them it will most likely be a satisfying reading.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

It does not cool or warm, but it will appeal to the fans.

PLOT: 6.5/10
Characters: 0/10
STYLE: 8/10
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